Download GCam BSG 8.1 for all Android Phones

Do you want to unlock pro-level photography with the GCam Port, a powerful version of the Google Camera app? Are you looking to Download the GCam APK to enhance your Android phone’s camera and capture stunning moments? You are in the right place because GCam Port 8.1 has advanced features that take your photos to the next level. In the following detail, you will learn everything about GCam BSG 8.1, which includes the latest and incredible features for Samsung, Oneplus, Realme, Xiaomi, Poco, and All Other Phones.

GCam Port for Samsung

DeveloperCurrent Version
BSG (MGC)8.1.101
Arnova8G2 8.1.101

GCam Port for OnePlus

DeveloperCurrent Version
BSG (MGC)8.1.101
Arnova8G2 8.1.101

GCam Port for Realme

DeveloperCurrent Version
BSG (MGC)8.1.101
Arnova8G2 8.1.101

GCam Port for Xiaomi

DeveloperCurrent Version
BSG (MGC)8.1.101
Arnova8G2 8.1.101

GCam Port for Poco

DeveloperCurrent Version
BSG (MGC)8.1.101
Arnova8G2 8.1.101

Experience the Cutting-Edge of Mobile Photography

  • Get the Latest Features: Stay updated with new Google Camera releases for better mobile photography.
  • Make the Most of Your Phone: Our selected APKs work smoothly on many Android devices, helping you get the best out of your phone’s camera.
  • Download Safely: We ensure all APKs come from trusted developers and are tested for security.
  • Find What You Need Easily: Our simple interface helps you quickly find the right Google Camera APK for your device.
  • Capture Amazing Photos: Use Google Camera’s powerful tools to take beautiful, professional-looking photos.

How to Install Google Camera on any Android?

Step 1: Verify Camera2 API on any Android

  • Install the Manual Camera Compatibility App: Download the app from the Google Play Store to check Camera2 API support.
  • Open the App: After installing, launch the app on your Android device.
  • Tap ‘Start’: Press the “Start” button to begin the compatibility check.
  • Check Camera2 API Support: The app will test if your device supports Camera2 API.
  • Green Tick Means Full Support: If settings like Manual Focus, White Balance, ISO, Shutter Speed, and Raw Support show a green tick, GCam will work smoothly.
  • Red Means Potential Issues: If any setting shows red, GCam might not function properly on your device

Step 2: Download GCam Port on Any Android

  • Select the Right Version: Choose the GCam Port version that is compatible with your Android device.
  • Download the APK: Tap the download link to get the APK file on your phone.

Step 3: Install GCam Port APK on Any Android

  • Ensure Camera2 API is Enabled: Just confirm that Camera2 API is enabled before starting the installation.
  • Locate the APK: Now open the File Manager and find the downloaded GCam APK file in the Downloads folder ah.
  • Allow Unknown Sources: Enable “Unknown Sources” to allow installation of the APK file.
  • Install the APK: You have to click on the “Install” option to start the installation process.
  • Finish Installation: Once installed, the app will appear automatically as “Camera” on your Android device.
  • Open and Use GCam: Now, you can easily launch the app and start taking HD videos and photos without facing any glitches.

How to Update Google Camera APK on any Android?

  • Download the Latest GCam Port: Get the newest version of the Google Camera Port APK.
  • Uninstall the Old APK: Remove the previous version of the GCam APK from your device.
  • Install the New APK: Tap on the downloaded APK file to install the latest version.
  • Enjoy the Update: You’ve successfully updated to the newest GCam Port and can now enjoy improved features.


1. What is GCam BSG 8.1 and why should I use it?

GCam BSG 8.1 is an enhanced version of the Google Camera app designed to take your photography to the next level. With advanced features like Manual Focus, ISO control, and Raw support, it transforms your Android phone into a powerful camera, offering professional-quality photos and videos.

2. Which Android devices support GCam BSG 8.1?

GCam BSG 8.1 is compatible with many Android smartphones, including Samsung, OnePlus, Realme, Xiaomi, Poco, and more. As long as your device supports Camera2 API, you can enjoy all the advanced features of GCam for better photography.

3. How can I check if my Android phone supports Camera2 API for GCam?

To verify if your phone supports Camera2 API, download the Manual Camera Compatibility app from the Google Play Store. Once installed, launch the app and tap “Start.” If features like Manual Focus, ISO, and Raw Support show a green tick, your phone is ready for GCam installation.

4. How do I install GCam BSG 8.1 on my Android phone?

  • Verify Camera2 API: Ensure Camera2 API is enabled on your device.
  • Download the GCam APK: Choose the correct version of GCam for your Android model and download it.
  • Install the APK: Allow “Unknown Sources” in your phone’s settings, open the downloaded APK, and tap “Install.”
  • Start Using GCam: Once installed, open the app and start capturing stunning HD photos and videos.

5. What is GCam BSG 8.1 and why should I use it?

  • Latest APK Download: You just have to download the newest and latest version of the GCam Port via Play Store.
  • Uninstall the Old Version: Remove the previous GCam app from your device.
  • Install the New APK: Tap on the downloaded APK file to update the app.
  • Enjoy New Features: Open the updated app and explore the latest photography enhancements.


GCam BSG 8.1 unlocks the full potential of your Android phone’s camera with its advanced features and powerful image processing. Whether you own a Samsung, OnePlus, Realme, Xiaomi, or another Android device, you can easily upgrade your photography game. By following simple steps to install, update, and ensure Camera2 API is enabled, you’ll be able to capture beautiful, professional-quality photos and videos in no time.